ROSE Online Wiki

"When magic was created, straight from the power of the essence of the universe, it was said to be cold, like space. That is why the Goddess Lunar, although very powerful in magic, was cold herself, and dotted her planet with ice and snow. It is said that Lunar has never known love, and that is why her people are in discord. As the Shamanists and the Eucar grew in their magical powers, so too, would they grow apart in ways. And the planet was renamed, from the plural Lunar (meaning: many love the goddess), to a simpler singular form of the Lunaris language Luna (meaning: only I love the goddess)."

Luna is a cold, frozen planet you can travel to after completing the quest required for it. The quest can be received when you have reached level 70. First, you have to talk to NPC Alphonso located in Junon Polis who will want you to look for Rosemary's Doll. Once you complete the quest, you will be free to travel to and from Luna for a fee of 5,000 zulie utilizing the flying vessel.



  • Sea of Dawn
Luna Map

All Luna

Credits to: LuckyStriike

See Also[]
